
http://y.sina.com.cn 2004年04月01日 19:02 思达家园



原唱:Christina Aguilera

look at me
you may think you see
who i really am
but you'll never know me
every day
it's as if i play a part
now i see
if i wear a mask
i can fool the world
but i cannot fool
my heart
who is that girl i see
staring straight back at me?
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?
i am now in a world
where i have to
hide my heart
and what i believe in
but somehow
i will show the world
what's inside my heart
and be loved for who i am
who is that girl i see
staring straight back at me?
why is my reflection
someone i don't know?
must i pretend that i'm
someone else for all time?
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?
there's a heart that must
be free to fly
that burns with a need
to know the reason why
why must we all conceal
what we think
how we feel?
must there be a secret me
i'm forced to hide?
i won't pretend that i'm
someone else
for all time
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?





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X年级  青春校园
Y流行  酷炫生活
I成长 玩转e时代

校园风云 校园连线
贴图画板 搞笑整蛊
鹊桥征友 校园爱情
Y类生存 娱人码头
男生天地 女生部落
·成长 心中满是感动

·[甄妮] 鲁冰花
·[孙楠] 只要有你
·[王菲] Eyes on me


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