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http://y.sina.com.cn 2004年03月22日 19:26 视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Hi!I’m Anita.I’m an out-going girl.I was born in a warm-hearted family in California,USA.My parents love me so much.I have lived in America for a long time.I am quite confident,I always like to make things simple.I also like to be independent.I am studying at Hayward Middle School.Other than attending daily routines at school,I like to be involved in my community,and make friends with similar interests.I like listening to music,watchingmovies and talking about media news.I often chat with friends about common concerns,hot news ,and even some strange trifles. On weekends,I like to exercise.In addition,I really like learning about researching a variety of subjects.I hope that all of my stories about life,world issues,tales,entertainment,news,history can help you enrich you life.




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