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http://y.sina.com.cn 2004年02月09日 15:29 北京青年报


  I'm sorry. It's like I missed a shot./ It's like I dropped the ball. Damn, I'm sorry!/ It's like I'm on stage and I forgot the words./ It's like building a new house with no roof and no doors./ It's like trying to propose, and I ain't got the ring./ Ooh damn! I'm sorry.

  But girl, I've apologized a million times before./ (I'll apologize a million more.)/ So here it comes again, for all the wrong I've done./ (So get ready, babe.)/ Here's one million one:


  Girl, this is my sorry for 2004./ And I ain't going to mess up no more this year./ I'm going to take this one chance and make it real clear./ I'm sorry for May and I'm sorry for June (for real)./ And I'm sorry for July, I am,/ in case I don't tell you./ August, September, October, November till your December,/ I'm sorry. (I'm sorry, 2004.).

  It's like staying out at night./ [I] had way too much to drink./ (Damn, I'm sorry!) It's like you change your hair, and I don't say a thing./ (Damn, I'm sorry!) It's like we're falling fast asleep...







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